Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Consider this a counter-revolution brainstorm #1.1 : california ballot initiative to recognizing the incorrigible illegality of the federal government

As a Californian, I am forced to also be an American, even though to the more than casual observer of American politics, it may occur that we have had a coup. Corporations have bought, fooled, cajoled or for all we know blackmailed our elected federal government andseemingly the current leadership of congress and the white house. And we might as well include the supreme court, with it's 'united' pro-corporate ruling.

Somehow, bit by bit, we have lost our country to the leaders of the democrats and republicans: to whom only lying about consensual sex is worthy of impeachment not lying us into illegal wars, not colluding to bury invsetigations of WH authorized torture [add link]. Since Clinton and even more so under Bush and now Obama, every President has been clearly in need of war crimes [or related criminal miltiary-industrial crimes] investigation.

Both Democratic and Repulbican Congresses have been unwilling to investigate the crimes we all read about. The Supreme Court has given unconstitutional political election rights to not private citizens but instead corporations, allowing them to donate without disclosure[?] or limit!!!

There may be only one way to wipe the blood from our hands, that of our own soldiers to fight wars that are not ours; that of each tax-paying citizen forced to fund wars founded on lies that are not in our countries interest,

[add links for each]
  • Clinton with the bombing of civilian water facilities and yugo factories and state dept buildings in Yugoslavia.
  • Bush with his lying the country into war with Iraq, fully revealed by our closest allies Downing St. memos
  • and testified to by Bush Cabinet members [o'neil and ?],
  • and now with Obama colluding with republicans to sweep under the very stuffed rug, any prosecution of Bush's unconstitutional and anti-geneva convention torture policies,
  • with illegally spying on, secret detention of,
  • and now Obama's order of extra-judicial assasinations of american citiizen's.

Anyone can be declared a terrorist and killed, american or not, without a trial or even judicial review. This is no longer recognizably America, as each day passes and billions of middle class and working poor's dollars and transferred by illegal wall st. schemes to their retirement funds, bonuses and dividends. Made in America is becoming a rare curioso for the wealthiest to afford.

There are many more charges [link to kucinich's articles of impeachment], essentially factually incontravertable, widely disseminated outside of the mainstream corporate controlled media but nonetheless, ignored completely by our various branches of the federal government charged with oversight.

All this coupled with cleptocratic monetary policy, sham wall street reform, corporate boondoggle mandatory health-care 'reform'. Dubious elections in 2000 and moredisturbingly Ohio 2004 where lawsuits are in process over the diebold machines involved. All of these things spell to many that our federal government has been stolen. A coup, a nearly silent revolution.

If approved we the people of California direct our Governor and Congress and Courts to declare California a free state until such time as a law-abiding, clean election holding federal government can be re-formed, without the incorrigibly corrupt influence of corporate financed elections, a sclerotic, ossified corrupt, electorally unresponsive congress made up almost exclusively of campaign cash beholden Cleptocrats, and those to weak to weak or scared to oppose them. IF this fails to happen within 4 years: we the people authorize a special election to choose a constitutional assembly of 1 rep. per county [to be elected via a public financed equal access election] to attend a new constitutional convention either within the state or with other states that have suspended their particiption in a dysfunctional, criminal, Federal government.

Only the most serious and egregious entrenched law-breaking by virtually parties concerned, could impel patriotic Americans to seize back the people's power. The America of the founding fathers and our revolution, has been stolen in all but name and shape.

President Eisenhower warned us as he left office of a possible coup of our very democracy by the Military Industrial Complex. It has come. This is clear to many and even most americans. This

_+_+_+_+_+_+-discussion begins below-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-

please forgive the typos, working draft


angry indy said...

Therefore I am crafting an exploratory group to look into a statewide ballot initiative declaring the federal government as no longer representing the people of CA., but as having been subject to a corporate financed takeover.

We can not secede, but the constitution clearly allows the people to counter-revolt [need link] when the government has turned against them, and is no longer subject to any checks or balances, or possiblity of change via the entrenched 2 party system.

angry indy said...

1.Banks. On first thought they should be allowed to remain opted into the current system or is that impossible?

Business' will be the most threatened by this. And will undoubtdly put up the most resisitance to any will of the people over the status quo.

2. rerun of nat. guards to gov.

3. Allow for Governer and peoples delegation [1 seat per county?] to attend federal and 2nd constitutional convention, if other states also withdraw recognition of the legality of the entire federal government due to systemic breakdown via corporate corruption.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The United States is a union of states who agreed to form a union under a contract...the Constitution. The Constitution gives government limited power. All branches of government have take more power than is allowed. They are almost lawless.

No undeclared wars, tax dollars to foreign,international banks (without the people's permission), bases to protect corporate interests, king and queens (like CEOs and wealthy few who don't obey our laws, etc, judges ruling for political gain, etc.

We are a democracy not a theocracy, monarchy, or empire.

It is now an illegal union since they fail to represent our best interest. They pander to and are part of an oligarchy (flush with corporate money).

Unknown said...
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joebanana said...

Excellent post. And a good idea, the criminal cartel running our government is a threat to world peace, human rights, and all things living. I've denounced my allegiance to this cesspool of corruption around five years ago. When a world leader turns criminal like obama, someone has the duty to remove the threat, but who? Not our dysfunctional congress, retarded senate, or criminal FBI. Maybe a foreign power can do it, our government sure aren't going to do anything. Keep up the good work and I'll be coming back.

angry indy said...

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging
no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible
government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt
business and corrupt politics is the first task of statesmanship. (President Theodore Roosevelt)

angry indy said...

did a lot of talking this, and a milder form f the core idea up around a couple of towns today and yesterday.
Lots of apathy, worries of tea-party support and racists getting involved. Amazing.

I think a lesser plan, say the ca. ballot initiative of returning control of the national guard to california' gov. w/ the same reasoning of chronic, corrupt, unresponsive - no checks and balances federal gov't.

Larry Elford, Visual Investigations said...

I agree wholeheartedly

It is this kind of "non-group" thinking that made America one of the best nations in the world in the past. I am a neighbour to the north, in Canada, and to see your leadership (and perhaps our own) so corrupted within such a short history is saddening.

Where do you stand on jail sentences for those public servants and politicians who can be shown to be selling out the public interest for personal or political gain? Sorry if that question has been answered already.