Dear David Ryan CMT, C.Ac.
I appreciate your passion for this issue. However, I agree with my
colleagues in Congress that efforts to pursue impeachment would - at
this time - seriously detract from our ability to lead our country in a new
and positive direction.
You can't lead if the President is a criminal bent on obstructing everything you do!
Tell me other than the war money for Min. Wage, what leadership has there been????
Fortunately, last November, Americans voted for change. Democrats
have control of both the House and the Senate and we are taking large
steps toward improving our nation. Our agenda to make healthcare more
affordable, expand educational opportunities, promote job growth, tackle
global warming and increase our nation's energy independence would all
be put on hold to investigate possible impeachable offenses.
Put them on hold! Because they won't pass anyway!
would be no chance for Congress to enact the legislation that addresses
the urgent needs of the American public because our time would be
focused on a lengthy and difficult impeachment process.
It will only be as lengthy as you make it. Downing Street makes it 100% clear we were treasonously led into war. And there of course another easy dozen issues.
Rest assured, however, that Congress remains committed to conducting
aggressive oversight hearings of the Bush administration's failed
policies, especially the Iraq War and violations of civil liberties.
So 'Aggressive', they are sure to never lead to impeachment?
Lor Have Mercy Mike. This is called doublespeak for a very good reason.
Already, Congress has conducted over 100 hearings on these issues. I
fully support these efforts and look forward to working with my
colleagues to provide much-needed oversight, accountability, and
transparency to this administration's policies.
And then what, tell them to pretty please stop using the Constitution as toilet paper? Stop the signing statements that turn congress into a rubber stamp?
Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Though we may
disagree on this issue, I hope that you will continue to contact me on all
issues of importance to you and to our district.
I will, and the less result it has, tha harder I will work for a real Rep. in O8.
Member of Congress
sign every email you send: " Dear Congressman Impeach Bush and Cheney in 07, or be removed in 08." Friends the time for half-measures is way past over. Email your congressfolk everyday.
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