Clevelandchick at HuffPo wrote a brilliant reply to this tepid, if witty analysis.
Not all Democrats belong in your movie analogy. Dennis Kucinich has been screaming from the rooftops to not even send a war funding bill to the floor, no bill no funding...done. John Edwards advocated sending the bill that Bush threatened to veto back to him over and over again forcing Bush to be the one that 'de-funded' the troops by vetoing.But Ridley, please remember...the Dems only have a one vote majority in the Senate and #50 hasn't recovered from his brain aneurysm yet. Lieberman has basically sold his old party out for the Neocons, especially on the war AND he's trying to get us to bomb Iran!
So even with Senator Brain aneurysm in reality we have an evenly split Senate. Just thought I'd give you a 70's style School House Rock refresher on how our government works.
There is no veto-proof voting available AND even if there were Bush would just add one of his precious signing statements allowing him to ignore the law and continue the war.
The only way to end this war before 2009 is to impeach Bush and Cheney prior. That's it.
Cleveland Chick is right on. The Dems are so spineless currently they can not even see they risj losing all 2006 gains by not doing shit. Pelosi and her 'peoples business' is merely aiding and abetting the gutting of the Constitution and the Democracy of America.
Please everyone talk to your friends and get any of them that are 1/2 awake to write their congressman everyday threatening in soft dulcet tones to not only vote for their replacement in o8 if they do not impeach in 07, but to help draft a real member of a real opposition party.
Cleveland Chick, thanks for the straight talk.
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