Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mossad behind anti-Mohammed film that has sparked murder and mayhem in mid-east?

Immediately after Obama's 'snubbing' of Netanyahu, a spate of anti-American violence breaks out over a strange film-linked to one Sam Bacile, a film-maker and real-estate agent, who seems to be neither. Efforts to establish his historicity and identity in America or Israel seem to have hit a dead-end....

follow the story here and here and see the 14 min. long trailer of the film here.

Warning, in addition to insulting Islam, lovers of fine movies and acting are also likely to be scandalized.

Coupled with Netanyahu's trying to publicily shame Obama into attacking Iran over it's likely building of their own Nukes to counteract any future American/Israeli threats, and his willingness to give Romney [a more naive, tractable - in Bibi's mind] the upper hand in the run-up to the election by showing Obama as 'weak on Zionism', seems to mark a new low for Bibi and Israel and American-Israeli relations.

Also from the excavator blog:Masking the many faces of U.S. foreign policy requires the annihilation of reason and common sense, as well as the censorship of contradictory evidence.

The murder of American ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens by Washington's Jihadist terrorists is only the latest demonstration of the schizophrenic nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa. Ambassador Stevens was killed by the same Al-Qaeda elements in Libya that Washington and its allies sponsored as part of a larger military effort to overthrow Gaddafi.

Tony Cartalucci writes in his article, "US-Backed Terrorists Murder US' Own Ambassador in Libya":

"Not only has US policy been exposed as not "promoting democracy" but purposefully spreading destabilization, violence, and terrorism, but the exact same militants behind the death of the US' own ambassador are literally leading US efforts to visit the same violence, destabilization, and chaos upon Syria."
President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared "Mission Accomplished" regarding their Libyan mission way too early, an error that former President Bush also made in his illegal war against Iraq.

Upon hearing the news of the alleged death of Gaddafi at the hands of a mob, Clinton famously stated, "We came, we saw, he died." Clinton's new statement should be, "We lied, we kind of saw this coming, and we definitely died."

The writer "b" of Moon of Alabama says:
"Hillary Clinton's and the other state department furies who had urged the U.S. to attack Libya and who are also behind the drive against Syria are now confronted with the ruins of their policies. They carry at least some blame for yesterday's deaths."
It is still not clear who actually killed ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. I thought Washington had full control over the Salafist terrorists and Al-Qaeda pests in Libya and Syria. Are they turning against their master? Or is this another false flag, as some analysts have asserted? Could both attacks on the U.S. embassies be false flags?

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