so much going on today...Israel/US , libya fallout, the weird film and this just came my way late last night, not a peep from the MSM, big surprise....
and this, the best 9/11 vid to show your doubting thomas friends...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Mossad behind anti-Mohammed film that has sparked murder and mayhem in mid-east?
Immediately after Obama's 'snubbing' of Netanyahu, a spate of anti-American violence breaks out over a strange film-linked to one Sam Bacile, a film-maker and real-estate agent, who seems to be neither. Efforts to establish his historicity and identity in America or Israel seem to have hit a dead-end....
follow the story here and here and see the 14 min. long trailer of the film here.
Warning, in addition to insulting Islam, lovers of fine movies and acting are also likely to be scandalized.
Coupled with Netanyahu's trying to publicily shame Obama into attacking Iran over it's likely building of their own Nukes to counteract any future American/Israeli threats, and his willingness to give Romney [a more naive, tractable - in Bibi's mind] the upper hand in the run-up to the election by showing Obama as 'weak on Zionism', seems to mark a new low for Bibi and Israel and American-Israeli relations.
Also from the excavator blog:Masking the many faces of U.S. foreign policy requires the annihilation of reason and common sense, as well as the censorship of contradictory evidence.
The murder of American ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens by Washington's Jihadist terrorists is only the latest demonstration of the schizophrenic nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa. Ambassador Stevens was killed by the same Al-Qaeda elements in Libya that Washington and its allies sponsored as part of a larger military effort to overthrow Gaddafi.
Tony Cartalucci writes in his article, "US-Backed Terrorists Murder US' Own Ambassador in Libya":
Upon hearing the news of the alleged death of Gaddafi at the hands of a mob, Clinton famously stated, "We came, we saw, he died." Clinton's new statement should be, "We lied, we kind of saw this coming, and we definitely died."
The writer "b" of Moon of Alabama says:
follow the story here and here and see the 14 min. long trailer of the film here.
Warning, in addition to insulting Islam, lovers of fine movies and acting are also likely to be scandalized.
Coupled with Netanyahu's trying to publicily shame Obama into attacking Iran over it's likely building of their own Nukes to counteract any future American/Israeli threats, and his willingness to give Romney [a more naive, tractable - in Bibi's mind] the upper hand in the run-up to the election by showing Obama as 'weak on Zionism', seems to mark a new low for Bibi and Israel and American-Israeli relations.
Also from the excavator blog:Masking the many faces of U.S. foreign policy requires the annihilation of reason and common sense, as well as the censorship of contradictory evidence.
The murder of American ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens by Washington's Jihadist terrorists is only the latest demonstration of the schizophrenic nature of U.S. policy in the Middle East and North Africa. Ambassador Stevens was killed by the same Al-Qaeda elements in Libya that Washington and its allies sponsored as part of a larger military effort to overthrow Gaddafi.
Tony Cartalucci writes in his article, "US-Backed Terrorists Murder US' Own Ambassador in Libya":
"Not only has US policy been exposed as not "promoting democracy" but purposefully spreading destabilization, violence, and terrorism, but the exact same militants behind the death of the US' own ambassador are literally leading US efforts to visit the same violence, destabilization, and chaos upon Syria."President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared "Mission Accomplished" regarding their Libyan mission way too early, an error that former President Bush also made in his illegal war against Iraq.
Upon hearing the news of the alleged death of Gaddafi at the hands of a mob, Clinton famously stated, "We came, we saw, he died." Clinton's new statement should be, "We lied, we kind of saw this coming, and we definitely died."
The writer "b" of Moon of Alabama says:
"Hillary Clinton's and the other state department furies who had urged the U.S. to attack Libya and who are also behind the drive against Syria are now confronted with the ruins of their policies. They carry at least some blame for yesterday's deaths."It is still not clear who actually killed ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. I thought Washington had full control over the Salafist terrorists and Al-Qaeda pests in Libya and Syria. Are they turning against their master? Or is this another false flag, as some analysts have asserted? Could both attacks on the U.S. embassies be false flags?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Obama and the Democrats: Our only hope for the future, or another 1% control scheme?
Obama and the Democrats: Our only hope for the future, or another 1% control scheme?
In order to understand that the D's are not just 'good light', or 'watered down goodness', one has to understand just how far the reach of the 1% has captivated and emasculated a party already known for its spinelessness.
I'll bullet the prime points of anti-democracy which I believe shows them to be more evil than lesser.
*Obama signed on for indefinite detention of any American labeled a terrorist [definition to be supplied by WH as need fits [eco-terrorists, occupiers, you name it, the label will fit], There goes (along with his nauseating continuation, support and use of the patriot act) any semblance of differing on Bush on the roll-back of civil liberties the country was founded on. Plus the new drones and willingness to assassinate extra-judicially, any aforementioned terrorist. Where does that put us ahead of the evil Bushco-years on that point.
*Obama loves monsanto: he has hired 2x's now I believe Monsanto toadies and bootlickers to top Ag spots. Determined to control the seed stock of the civilized world and pollute the rest - and Obama has been there for them. While michelle putters in her organic WH garden we are geetting increasing pro-Monsanto agenda from WH.
*The unbelievable willingness to let WS off the hook, even after the levin committee 'gift-wrapped' a prosecution, Holder and co, obviously won't go after Goldman Sachs or any other major Banksters - but they got Wesley Snipes for tax evasion!!!whoopdee do!] The evidence is in, the banksters ripped us off, took massive trillions of bailout money, sent 9 trillion of to European banks and then bonused themselves in the billions I believe [added together] for a job well done. If that is not a sell out to wall st. [that dwarfs bus's by a factor of 3-4] I really do not know what is.
IS it still a democracy when neither the party in charge, or the 'opposition' raise a peep when the largest heist in the world goes down? I mean yeah - you are voting - but is there any connection here between the vote/campaign promises and the results? Any? Once Obama put wall st. insider Timmy G. (evil slur meant to suggest vapid 'jazz artist' kenny g. intentional ;-)) in place we knew where this train was headed.
*Health care...I distinctly recall being relieved that O was going to go for single payer - which at the time 65% of Americans supported, and in a Democratic act of spinelessness exceeded only by the failure to impeach Bush for lying to america re: WMD and false flagging us into war in Iraq obviously for oil, we got a tepid bill that FORCES Americans to give yet more money to the same non health care industry that helped ruin our current system.
Are a few things better - sure. are there any caps? no, only preexisitng conditions are tied to the same rates as those without, so everyone's already excessive insurance premiums are or have already gone up. The most evil, uselss, non-value added segment of American health care has just been rewarded for their decades of screwing us, with MANDATORY allopathic insurance. As a user - nearly exclusively of natural medicine calling it insult added to injury doesn't quite sum it up.
*Jobs/Green - Energy independence: his debacle in supporting a big contributor of his has tied his hands in much of the green development, but a timely and serious mea culpa, then used as an intro to the bully pulpit, could have had him every week hammering the public/media and congress - into doing the will of the people, make energy independence a 10 yr goal, and tie it, logically to a create green jobs bill. This is such a no-brainer on every front....but instead we got lukewarm bills pushed half-halfheartedly. A massive failure in an area we desperately needed on every front.
Blaming obstructionist R congress is so lame, especially when considering Reagan [his favorite president (!?!?!?!?!?!?) went right over the heads of congress to the people who by phone calls forced unwilling congress-folk into going with his plan. Obama has traded the presidents most powerful tool, the bully pulpit for lame community organizing, can't we get along with republicans excuses.
Community organizing is fine, in it's place, but we are a country at war with a 1% trying to [and quite successfully I might add] rob, dis-enfranchise/undemocratize and dis-empower us, and the goodwill and hope for change we had after his election was in retrospect a sick joke.
*Pro-Corporate/1%er foreign policy: same old as bush, got us out of iraq quicker - but let his generals blackmail [literally see B. Woodwards book] him into an Afghani quagmire that continues to ignore the fact that Pakistan is the source of terrorism in the region and that fighting radicals willing to live in caves has never worked well for england, the soviets or us. Never, oh but the real reason we are there was actually let slip by Gen. Petraeus - 'we can't leave now, we found a trillion $'s of minerals'.
*Money out of politics: flat line
Yes - the Dems still push for the lefty wedge issues, as the R's do for the right, but I propose IT IS ALL A SHOW in terms of the above points. Not that the reps and senators don't believe there respective wedge positions, which rally the passions and pocketbooks of so much of America, but a show in the sense that the real nuts and bolts of what the 1%/plutocrats want they get no matter which party is in, they know the only price to this game, is not overly support either side too long, and let the wedge issues fall as they may, so the 1% can live to rip us off & manipulate us another day.
Thus the neo:lib/con coup that has overtaken the parties and Presidency is an evil with no real lesser or greater in terms of America's future as a democracy.
I do not for second think Obama is an intellectual lightweight like Bush was [or played so masterfully for 8 years] he is smart and maybe would do serious structural good if he could. Why he can't we can speculate, but the bottom line is he had 4 years to try and get the country turned around, and I watched closely to see how hard he tried...and not once did he use the bully pulpit in a way some who really gave a damn, or wanted to fight would.
And how can we hope for much less expect change in America, when the 2 parties are, at the level of federal leadership one party gives us: NAFTA, Indefinite detention/Assassination of Americans (cause the administrations secret panels think they might be terrorists), a budget that adds 12 'T'rillion in debt. And refuses to use the bully pulpit ala LBJ and Reagan to force needed change that the people want! Oh, and refuses to prosecute criminal Banksters in the largest heist known to mankind, when the senate hearings [by their own party!!!) give the AG a 'gift wrapped' case. And refused, even when again given a gift-wrapped catalog of impeachable offenses of worst President ever,oversees from a mere 20 miles away, the 23 hr/day torture of a whistle-blowing private, sweeps it under the rug so they can not appear to mean and divisive before an election."
And the other party lies us into a war, that we borrow money from china to pay for, gives us the treasonous patriot act, Allows said banksters to have 3 trillion to give to europe and themselves as bonuses, open up a just over the border int'l torture center, has a VP and top adviser complicit in outing a CIA agent, lowers taxes on wealthy which loans from china have to pay for, earlier back we have the treasonous Iran-Contra.
Sadly you expect that level of criminality and contempt from the Republicans, from Nixon on, but a close examination reveals a pattern, ALL the structural changes made have been for the worse, all benefit the founding of a police state (as treatment of the Occupiers and pvt. Manning shows) and the pockets of the 1%.
We no longer have the country I was born into, it is as simple and sad as that. You can be detained without trial, known reason and disappeared just like in Pinochet's Chile.
Our economies have become 3rd world, and our laws re: civil liberties, right to assemble - effectively gone, freedom of the press, there but unused - except in the underground [and got to far and you will be holed up in an embassy relying on the good graces of a 3rd world president for sanctuary from....America!
I am afraid the 1% and the Military/Industrial Complex took careful notes as to what/how and why the Vietnam protests were as effective as the were. They seemed to vow never to let their power get away from them again, and they have succeeded, based primarily, in hindsight on manipulating us through fear and wedge issues.
The awful realization I had last year of the 1% needing only to cajole, fool, blackmail or threaten c. 500 people to effectively control the country has only grown as the most likely/simple explanation to what has happened to our 2 parties.
They have proved time and again who they work for, and for the answer to that we need only examine the recent words Mormon ex-Bishop Romney (of all people), and when the job is not only not getting done, but to the contrary, we are being undone, we just need to fire them. Both Parties. As soon as possible.
Do I hope to sway this election - or am I likely ? Not really at all but will I stand back and condone Obama's continued rape of the constitution in the name of Bush's war on terror?
People on the other side of either party wonder how bad it needs to get till the other side gives up on their obviously failed and 'evil' leaders and party, that time, sadly is demonstrably past. We need to ditch both. Go ahead and, vote your lesser evil if you really must, but is it not past the hour to plan for taking back America, how many more elections will you keep doing it? And can anyone pretend anymore that the 2 parties are 'on our side'?
Solutions to come next week, after the conventions are over.
Has Obama really signed extra-judical assaination and disappearance of americans into law?
Monday, September 3, 2012
15 things you probably wish Dems and Reps DIDN'T agree on
Are the wedge issues, just a tool to manipulate us into easily manipulated camps, this artilce explores the frightening amount of common ground between the '2' parties.
it used to be you could make something of a case for sticking with the democrats...but since Clinton...
Republicans and Democrats, like Romney and Obama are of one mind on many more things than they disagree about. From war and empire to their policies on Big Ag, Big Energy, “clean coal and safe nuclear power,” and the war on drugs their areas of agreement are vast and troubling, and perhaps far more important than the rhetorical and stylistic differences highlighted by US political campaigns.
Too much agreement between Republicans and Democrats has always been bad news for those at the bottom of America’s class and racial totem poles.
Back in 1875, Frederick Douglass
observed that it took a war among the whites to free his people from
slavery. What then, he wondered, would an era of peace among the whites
bring us? He already knew the answer. Louisiana had its Colfax Massacre
[5] two years earlier. A wave of thousands upon thousands of terroristic
bombings, shootings, mutilations, murders and threats [6] had driven
African Americans from courthouses, city halls, legislatures, from their
own farms, businesses and private properties and from the voting rolls
across the South. They didn’t get the vote back for 80 years, and they
never did get the land back. But none of that mattered because on the
broad and important questions of those days there was at last peace
between white Republicans and white Democrats — squabbles around the
edges about who’d get elected, but wide agreement on the rules of the
Like Douglass, the shallow talking heads
who cover the 2012 presidential campaign on corporate media have
noticed out loud the remarkable absence of disagreement between
Republican and Democratic candidates on many matters. They usually
mention what the establishment likes to call “foreign policy.” But the
list of things Republicans and Democrat presidential candidates agree
on, from coddling Wall Street speculators, protecting mortgage
fraudsters and corporate wrongdoers to preventing Medicare For All to
so-called “foreign policy,” “free trade,” “the deficit” “clean coal and
safe nuclear power” and “entitlement reform,” is clearly longer and more
important than the few points of mostly race and style, upon which they
Although unemployment is the highest
it’s been since the Great Depression, the federal government should NOT
enact any sort of WPA-style program to put millions of people back to
work. Under Democrat Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s, Depression-era
unemployment was tackled head on by direct federal hiring to dig
subways, build roads, schools, parks, sewers, recreational facilities
and public buildings. Oblivious of this history, Democrat Barack Obama
maintains that only the private sector can or should create jobs.
Medicare, Medicaid and social security
are “entitlements” that need to be cut to relieve what they call “the
deficit.” Republicans have been on record for this since forever, though
they claim not to want to mess with the Medicare people already over 65
are getting. One of the first acts of the Obama presidency was to
appoint a bipartisan panel stacked with “deficit hawks” like Republican
Allan Simpson and Democrat Erskine Bowles to recommend raising
retirement ages and cutting back Medicaid, Medicare and social security,
and pass a law directing Congress to have an up or down no-amendments
vote on its recommendations. Fortunately the “cat food commission”, as
it was called, was deadlocked and offered none. But Obama and top
Democrats, most recently House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi continue
to express their readiness for some kind of “grand compromise” with
Republicans on this issue.
Climate change treaties and negotiations
that might lead to them should be avoided at all costs. The differences
between them are only style. Democrats admit that climate change exists
and is man-made, Republicans say it’s a myth. But both ignored the
Kyoto protocol and Obama like Bush before him, has worked tirelessly to
delay, derail and boycott any actual talks that might lead to
constructive international climate change agreements.
NAFTA was such a great thing it really
should be extended to Central and South America and the entire Pacific
rim. Again, there are differences in style. On the 2008 campaign trail,
Obama sometimes mumbled about renegotiating parts of NAFTA, and such.
But even before the primaries were done, press reports had him assuring
the Canadian government this was only campaign rhetoric, raw meat for
the rubes. In four years he has pushed NAFTA-like “free trade” corporate
rights agreements with South Korea, most of Central America and is now
secretly hammering out something called the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Agreement [7].
Banksters and Wall Street speculators
deserve their bailouts and protection from criminal liability, but
underwater and foreclosed homeowners deserve nothing. Well, maybe not
exactly nothing. Republicans think underwater homeowners deserve blame
for forcing banksters to offer millions of fraudulent high-interest
loans were then re-sold to investors around the world. Democrats think
underwater homeowners deserve empty promises of help that never quite
arrives for most of the foreclosed, the about-to-be foreclosed, their
families and communities. But both agree on free money for banksters and
speculators but no moratorium on foreclosures and no criminal
investigations of mortgage and securities fraud.
Palestinians should be occupied,
dispossessed and ignored. Iran should be starved and threatened from all
sides. Cuba should be embargoed, and Americans prohibited from going
there to see what its people have done in a half century free of Yankee
rule. Black and brown babies and their parents, relatives and neighbors
should be bombed with drones in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and similar
places. The politicians and corporate commentators have a misleading
name for this. They call it “foreign policy.” The realistic term for it
is global empire.
Africa should be militarized,
destabilized, plundered and where necessary, invaded by proxy armies
like those of Rwanda, Ethiopia, Burundi or Kenya, or directly by Western
air and ground forces, as in Libya. President Georgia Bush announced
the formation of AFRICOM, the US military command for the continent
which has officially swallowed all US civilian diplomatic presence. But
only a black US president, even under the cover of “humanitarian war”
could have invaded an African nation and openly dispatched special
forces to Central Africa.
US Presidents can kidnap citizens of
their own or any nation on earth from anyplace on the planet for
torture, indefinite imprisonment without trial or murder them and
neighboring family and bystanders at will. To be perfectly fair, there
are distinctions between Republicans and Democrats here that don’t
amount to differences. Republicans Cheney and Bush got their lawyers to
say these things were OK and did them. Democrat Obama got Congress to
enact “laws” giving these acts a veneer of fake legality, something a
Republican probably could not have done.
Oil and energy companies, and other
mega-polluters must be freed to drill offshore almost everywhere, and
permitted to poison land and watersheds with fracking to achieve “energy
independence”. The Republicans say “drill baby drill” but it seems only
Democrats can chill out enough supposed “environmentalists” to make
this happen. Obama campaigned on restricting offshore drilling four
years ago, and reversed himself just before the BP oil disaster in the
Gulf. The White House cooperated with BP in lying to the public about
the extent of the disaster and has shielded BO from paying anything like
the value of actual damages incurred to livelihoods, human lives and
the environment.
The FCC should not and must not regulate
telecoms to ensure that poor and rural communities have access to
internet, or to guarantee network neutrality. Republicans have always
been in favor of digital redlining, against network neutrality. Barack
Obama claimed on the campaign trail he’d take a back seat to nobody in
guaranteeing network neutrality. But he appointed as FCC chair a man who
helped write the infamous Telecommunications Act of 1995, which gave
away the government-built internet backbone to a handful of immensely
powerful telecoms like AT&T and Comcast, and flatly reversed himself
on network neutrality. The Department of Justice was forced to stop the
ATT-T-Mobile merger by a storm of public outrage, but approved the
Comcast-NBC deal.
Of course there really ARE such things
as “clean coal” and “safe nuclear energy”. Again these are things
Republicans have always pretended to believe. At the 2008 Democratic
convention Democrat Barack Obama joined them, declaring he intended to
be the president of “clean coal and safe nuclear energy.” Obama is
building a wave of 33 nuclear plants across the country, the first two
in mostly black and poor communities of Georgia and South Carolina where
leaky existing nukes are causing cancer epidemics. The people know
these things are myths. But Republican and Democratic candidates for
office, all the way down to state and county officials seem not to.
Immigrants must be jailed and deported
in record numbers. To be really fair, one should note that on this issue
Republicans talk a mean game about sending them all back and jailing
tens or hundreds of thousands along the way. But only President Obama
has walked the walk, deporting over a million immigrants in his term in
office, often with little or no due process and after housing many for
months in atrocious privatized immigration prisons.
No Medicare For All. Forget about it
eliminating the Medicare age requirement so that all Americans would
qualify.. Republicans never wanted Medicare even for seniors, let alone
everybody. Six or seven years ago Illinois State Senator Obama was
telling audiences that if they elected Democrats to Congress, the Senate
and the White House, they’d get single payer health care. But once in
office he excluded Medicare for All from the proposals on the table, and
enacted a national version of Massachusetts RomneyCare, requiring
everybody to purchase private health insurance or be penalized.
No minimum wage increases for you, no
right to form a union, no right to negotiate or strike if you already
have a union, and no enforcement or reform of existing labor laws.
Again, Republicans have always opposed minimum wage laws. Obama promised
to boost the minimum wage his first two years in office, while he still
had majorities in the House and Senate. But he didn’t do this, or pass
legislation beefing up the right to organize unions, which has been
eroded under Democrat and Republican administrations alike.
The 40 year war on drugs must continue,
and even mention of the prison state is unthinkable. There are 2.3
million people in US prisons and jails today, a per capita total that
beats the world. Politicians of both parties wag their fingers in
multiple directions. But as Michelle Alexander points out, if the US
prison population were rolled back to say, only 1 million, the level it
was about 1980, this would mean one million jobs, as contractors,
sheriffs, cops, bailiffs, judges and functionaries of all kinds would
have to go out and find real jobs.
The rabbit hole goes still deeper. We
didn’t have to stop at these fifteen points of Democrat-Republican
agreement, but you get the idea. Just as in Frederick Douglass’s day,
the more Democrats and Republicans agree, the worse it is for the rest
of us.
There was a time when black America had
its own principles, and formed the immovable leftmost rock of the
American polity. But in the 21st century, that rock has been dissolved
by a tide of corporate money. With the rise of a cohort of black
corporate Democrats and a right wing black Democrat in the White House
there is no longer even any vaguely leftish influence on Democratic
party politics. The House Progressive Caucus is the biggest in Congress,
with over seventy members, but is powerless and irrelevant. Except for
stylistic flourishes, the music they listen to and the color of some
faces, the differences between Republicans and Democrats seem to exist
mostly in political marketing campaigns and inside our own heads.
Bruce A. Dixon is managing editor
at Black Agenda Report, and a member of the state committee of the
Georgia Green Party. He can be reached via this site’s contact page, or
at bruce.dixon(at)[8]
2012 presidential campaign Democrats Republicans
Source URL:
Sunday, September 2, 2012
This article/interview speaks for itself. from
John Cusack interviews Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley re: the Obama admin's descent into what can only be called treason to the Constituion and us, The People.
Pt 1 in our expose on the Democratic side of 2 party system run by the 1%.
Stay tuned for local Democratic Party leader Wanda Harris who has graciously offered to do an op-ed this week.
cartoon copyright by brian mcfadden
Saturday, September 1, 2012
And now for the Democrats....
Last week I focused on sharing the low down on Republicans - as much as an ethical response to their collective blindness on some many issues, This week it is Obama and the Democrats turn.
Yes, Just as the truth of the Republican Party is a shock to many of the Party faithful, so to the Democrats have an, often below the mainstream media radar, underbelly and infrastructure that both reeks and is rotten and often leaves the lefty faithful resorting to 'but he (Obama) and they (the Party) are at least better than the Republicans. America can no longer - and indeed since at least Bush II, plainly so, afford these 2 Parties and their corporation controlled agendas. It is just that simple.
Both parties are toxic and no longer remotely resemble true Conservatism or Liberal/Progressivism. They are beholden to those who fund there campaigns the most, and that is not 'the People'.
I am collecting my sources now and I would appreciate other sources for review and possible inclusion at for vetting and possible inclusion.
My avowed goal is not to promote any 1 party but to destroy the 2 current ones and get people looking, thinking and discussing where to go and what to do for honest government.
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