Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why not impeach the entire republican party?

Why Can't They Impeach The Entire Republican Party?

Posted July 26, 2007 | 12:54 PM (EST)

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Some of us have been slow to board the Impeachment Train. We've held back as our fellow Americans have organized and led movements to impeach Bush, Cheney, and/or Gonzales. We were reluctant to have the political process subsumed with hearings that distract the country from the many other ways our current leadership has failed it. But after the latest testimony from Gonzales and the flagrant disregard of Congressional subpoenas by Bolten and Miers, there are only two words left to say:

Enough, already.

The shameful fact that no Republicans joined today's call to investigate Gonzales raises a question: "Why can't they impeach the entire Republican Party?" After all, the utter lawlessness of the last six years could not have occurred without the active complicity of the full GOP leadership. They have chosen to react in a partisan way to both unconstitutional usurpations of power and simple acts of criminality, and have benefited as the perpetrators seized and held office through unscrupulous means.

Impeachment of the entire GOP may sound like a partisan suggestion meant to protect the Democrats. Actually, rebuilding the Republican Party from the ground up may be the only way to save the two-party system (though many of us feel that it's in need of serious overhaul.) Unless the Republican Party is restructured, our only options may be one-party rule or permanent political paralysis.

How does a President with 25% approval ratings continue a war that has 30% approval ratings? How does a deceptive Attorney General keep his job? We've learned lately that some things are surprisingly easy, if people are shameless and utterly cynical -- and if their own party isn't willing to confront them.

Our political system favors the two leading parties. In return, each should show that system its allegiance, and should uphold and obey its laws. If it does not, it should lose its privileged position in our electoral process.

I don't say this out of hostility toward the GOP as it once was. As a Democrat, I was happy to work for the Republican Administration of Bush I as a contractor. I represented the country, and by inference the Administration, in a number of international delegations. I was proud to do so.

Back in those seemingly halcyon days, most of us operated in the belief that both parties -- however limited by cynical campaigning and big-dollar contributors -- would obey the law and serve the Constitution when push came to shove. Leaders occasionally tried to push the envelope, but in those rare instances when government malfeasance became excessive politicians would set partisanship aside and defend the rule of law.

Although many Republicans dragged their feet initially during Watergate (and young Fred Thompson's questions were carefully scripted to make him and his Party appear more upright than they were), most of them came around when it became clear that Nixon's abuses were both excessive and systematic.

Not so with today's GOP. The vast majority of Republican politicians, even the so-called moderates, have colluded with the Bush/Cheney criminal cabal time and again. Had Republican Senators sent a clear message to the Rove et al. that Alberto Gonzales could not be confirmed because of his actions while at the White House, this week the nation wouldn't have needed to face the spectacle of an Attorney General committing perjury.

Had Arlen Specter and other "moderates" been willing to stand firm we would not have seen the Pentagon violate both American and international law with its torture program. Had Republican Senators not placed Party allegiance over constitutional allegiance, the Senate would have long ago uncovered the truth about the extent and nature of illegal domestic spying. And remember: We know domestic laws were broken, though Sen. Specter was willing to make some of the crimes retroactively "legal" - and we know that military intelligence groups spied on Quakers and other harmless peace groups merely for their political activity.

We've seen the systematic violations of law intended to corrupt and destroy the electoral process. Vote caging, phone sabotage in New Hampshire, excessive waiting lines for minority voters in Ohio, pamphlets in Maryland falsely stating that the GOP candidate was a Democrat ... these are only the documented examples of GOP subversion of the political process. Yet the Republican Party has systematically resisted wholesale investigation of these acts.

The spectacle of Republican Presidential candidates supporting leniency or pardon for convicted felon Scooter Libby confirms that their party is now systemically corrupt, as the next generation of its leaders goes on record supporting criminality and abuse of power.

Today's GOP is not a political party that plays well in a free and democratic system. It's not the party whose leadership I felt I could serve in a non-political role a mere fifteen years ago. What we have seen over the last few years is a highly organized syndicate dedicated to the criminal usurpation of political power for personal gain. So if you can't impeach a political party - and you can't - how can our political process be healed?

The derivation of "bipartisan" is "two parties." If you believe in the two-party system, then somebody needs to tear the Republican Party down and start again. If the Party can't be impeached in the meantime, it can be defeated where it counts - at the polls. Forget Unity '08. Replacing the entire GOP leadership is only bipartisan position that makes sense in 2008.

A Night Light

The Sentinel Effect: Healthcare Blog

NOTE: I'll be on the Charles Goyette radio show tomorrow at 7:30 am on KFNX in Phoenix, discussing the systematic undermining of the Constitution with guest hosts Chris Bliss and Steve Benson. You may know Chris as the juggler whose video was a viral Internet sensation. He's also a comedian, and is President of MyBillofRights.Org, a terrific project to reinforce our traditional loyalty to the country's core freedoms. Steve Benson is the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist for the Arizona Republic. Should be a good show, so tune in if you're in Phoenix or via the Internet if you're not.

Comments (31)

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collapse steven (See profile | I'm a fan of steven)


collapse dadw5boys (See profile | I'm a fan of dadw5boys)

Bush is trying to bankrupt the USA so the Big Corporations can come to the rescue. He is transferring Billions to them!
Your government is being raided people!

collapse mommadona (See profile | I'm a fan of mommadona)

Ask John McCain:



IRI President Discusses Bush Administration’s Record of Promoting Democracy
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, July 4, 2007

collapse FearlessFreep (See profile | I'm a fan of FearlessFreep)

While you're at it, they should impeach Reagan's corpse. (Like Henry VIII put Becket's bones on trial.)

collapse jgo (See profile | I'm a fan of jgo)

"How does a President with 25% approval ratings continue a war that has 30% approval ratings?"

Better yet, how does 33% believe GW planted explosives under the WTC on 9/11.
Lets get real, If everyone wanted us to leave Iraq in defeat the Democrats have the power to cut the funding. Now do the Math.

collapse RadicalRepublican (See profile | I'm a fan of RadicalRepublican)

What is it about Bush that you support? What action has he taken that causes you to post in his defense on a liberal blog site?


collapse BigTuna (See profile | I'm a fan of BigTuna)

I trust you'll be coming back to provide a source for that little 33% statistic of yours. I hate to see you earn a reputation as just another bitter Bush apologist.

collapse BBackSoon (See profile | I'm a fan of BBackSoon)

Leave in defeat? How the hell we gonna win? What are we going to win? So we should keep throwing people in the meat grinder?

collapse Economike (See profile | I'm a fan of Economike)

Are you going to support Bush if he institues Martial Law and declares himself dictator

collapse tcagle (See profile | I'm a fan of tcagle)

We are overdue for a parliamenary system like GB or Germany. Bush would have been gone many troop deaths ago.

collapse mommadona (See profile | I'm a fan of mommadona)

Now THAT'S a thought.

I have NEVER understood the need for an EXECUTIVE in a Democratic Republic.

I also believe that a large problem with the EXECUTIVE BRANCH is that only the POTUS is the pubah in charge. It's a KING thing.....




It is time for a total FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STAND-DOWN. It is done on a regular basis in the military branches. IT'S DONE ON A 'ROLLING' BASIS - not to interrupt important business - IT CLEARS OUT THE COB WEBS. IT HIGHLIGHTS AREAS OF CONCERN. IT SETS STANDARDS FOR PERFORMANCE.

It is WAY past due.
This 200+ piece of Liberty needs a tune-up.

collapse fpal (See profile | I'm a fan of fpal)

Yes, a parliamentary system is needed in the U.S.

The current system is 231 years old. It doesn't serve a population of 100s of millions of people.

collapse BigTuna (See profile | I'm a fan of BigTuna)

"Our political system favors the two leading parties. In return, each should show that system its allegiance, and should uphold and obey its laws. If it does not, it should lose its privileged position in our electoral process."

Fantastic point.

collapse peterg76 (See profile | I'm a fan of peterg76)

Why not abolish all the parties and make everyone start from scratch? And throw in some civilized financing laws?

collapse BBackSoon (See profile | I'm a fan of BBackSoon)

But the only people that can make those changes are those that are sitting pretty right now. And they will not make those changes.

collapse Ben Dixon (See profile | I'm a fan of Ben Dixon)

Tell you what, I'll support that idea if you suppor the impeachment of the Democratic party. Lets face facts, both parties are doing America more harm than good right now.

collapse ManhattanMC (See profile | I'm a fan of ManhattanMC)

Subpeonas to Rove Meyers and a perjury investigation of Gonzales is doing more harm than good ?

Hearings on the brazen lawlessness of the Bush coup ?

Sorry-not gonna sign off on that one.

collapse Dakotadem (See profile | I'm a fan of Dakotadem)

I agree - throw out the whole bunch! The current GOP office holders have proven time and time again "Party before Country". The fact that they have vowed to obstruct anything the Democrats try to accomplish says it all. The GOP knows this administration is corrupt and they are all worried about their own reelections, yet are they really doing anything to put an end to the corruption and coverups? No, they are standing firmly in the way of real investigation. To me, that's complicity in the crimes and obstruction of justice. Impeach them all!

collapse tao53nyc (See profile | I'm a fan of tao53nyc)

As long as you don't throw out Ron Paul - he's the one saving grace. If they'd listened to him, the GOP wouldn't be in such trouble now.

collapse CitizenLegislatorCC (See profile | I'm a fan of CitizenLegislatorCC)

You've described the modern Republican Party in the era of Rove very well, RJ. Tragically, the Democratic Party in the era of Pelosi seems to be doing its best to emulate the same bankrupt party-before-Constitution ethos [Pelosi and Hoyer and Obey, et al, think helping the middle and lower classes with government largesse somehow substitutes for their heedless indifference to the steady, ongoing dissolution of our Republic on their watch], such that you can climb aboard the impeachment train all you want, but Nancy Pelosi and John Conyers have NO intention of pulling that train out of the station now or anytime in 2008, and they're the only ones at the controls. Pelosi thinks all we need to do is to elect a new King - a Democratic one this time - to cure all that ails us.

If you have any influence on those two Congressional Locomotive Engineers, please exert it (this column is a good first step), but at this point in our nation's history, political party loyalty has trumped all else in Washington, as Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern, and Rev. Yearwood made crystal clear after their extremely-valuable, bluff-calling, hour-long meeting with John Conyers on Monday.

The Constitution, like our troops, seems to be just another distant abstraction to the incumbents in Congress. I think those still there after tolerating the years of despotic, corrupt Congressional Rule of Rove must be people whose principles, integrity, and guts long since ceased to exist.

The American people deserve better. We are AMERICAN PARTISANS. But our "representatives" cannot (won't) rise above or move beyond petty political party loyalty. The party may have enabled them to obtain public office but the public office IS OURS and there's an oath attached to it, that loyalty to a private political party CANNOT TRUMP. Unless, of course, one sees no particular need for a certain Republic and its Constitution to remain intact - you know, that system that Thomas Jefferson was always going on about...

collapse dadw5boys (See profile | I'm a fan of dadw5boys)

The USA is within $4 Trillion of Debt of being Bankrupt. $14 TRrillion is the set DEBT limit for the USA worldwide. After that the dollar goes into free fall.
If Bush drives the USA into a depression I would not like to be him.

collapse dadw5boys (See profile | I'm a fan of dadw5boys)

If the find any U.S. Government information not made public on the Republican EMAIL SERVER they could indict the whole party for SECRECTING GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, INSIDER TRADING, AND A LOT OF OTHER LAWS.
All it would take is the mention one 1 business or of 1 contractor and/or a contract bid

collapse ImpeachmentNOW (See profile | I'm a fan of ImpeachmentNOW)

EIGHTY (80) US towns and cities now have resolutions calling for the impeachment of the DickNBush criminals. Pelosi provides the lame excuse that the Dems are focusing on ending the senseless neocon wars and can't handle impeachment as well - in other words, Congressional Democrats can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Impeachment proceeding must begin in the House. House Resolution 333 defines the articles of impeachment for Cheney - the necessary first step. Somebody with a backbone needs to proceed on that. Once the House does its Constitutionally mandated job, Sen Feingold and other patriots will carry the ball in the Senate. Let the Repugs in Congress defend the indefensible high crimes and misdemeanors of DickNBush - the American people need to know exactly who these co-conspirators and accomplices are before the 2008 election. CONGRESS/PELOSI: STOP STALLING AND DO YOUR JOB!

collapse Dap (See profile | I'm a fan of Dap)

Dear Brother RJ,

I don't know...

If we did an extensive search of the Republican Party, we could possibly find a few with redeeming qualities?


collapse rektruax (See profile | I'm a fan of rektruax)

That way the US can have a one party system. All you Dems and Pugs know that's what you want anyway.

Or maybe they should impeach everyone who voted for the war that started the whole ball rolling. Oops... There's a lot of Dems in there too. Why not just appoint an Emperor. Someone to look out for our best interest (because adults are far to stupid to look out for themselves thanks to the left/right leaning media). Maybe a Hollywood star that everyone recognizes and has a nice calming speaking voice. Emperor James Earl Jones.

collapse fedup07 (See profile | I'm a fan of fedup07)

Thank you RJ -this is the best post I've read in a long, long time. It's the sweet truth which so wonderful to hear/read since you can't get the truth from MSM.

collapse Mykel (See profile | I'm a fan of Mykel)

Impeachment is too light a punishment.

The Bush Administration, along with key members of the oil and weapons industries, deserve no less than to be put on trial for treason and crimes against humanity.

collapse CitizenLegislatorCC (See profile | I'm a fan of CitizenLegislatorCC)

Here's some information that Nancy Pelosi and her House allies don't want you to know, seeing as how it might threaten their party before country agendas:

There's a setting known as a "judicial proceeding" in which grand jury material (that must otherwise remain secret and withheld from public view) will be released to CONGRESS (upon request to and approval of a judge) for use in its public duties. The applicable definition of such a judicial proceeding (according to court precedent) is an IMPEACHMENT inquiry conducted by the House Judiciary Committee. There is NO OTHER WAY for Congress to access such otherwise Rule 6(e)-protected secret grand jury material. I don't know about you, but obtaining for Congress the explosive details of Special Counsel Fitzgerald's years-long secret grand jury investigation into the outing of a covert CIA spy by officials high up in her own Executive Branch of government is enough reason on its own for me to support the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

It would help the debate, and help apply more targeted pressure to Members of Congress, if everyone in favor of such an impeachment inquiry would understand and point out that an INQUIRY itself is NOT "impeachment" (though a majority of the whole House must vote to allow that inquiry to begin, after Conyers's HJC has voted to ask for such authorization from the House as a whole). Any House vote(s) to ACTUALLY impeach would only follow the inquiry/investigation stage. NO Member of Congress would need to do more than vote to open investigations at this stage, and NO vote to actually impeach can or will occur unless and until investigations have resulted in the crafting of actual Articles of Impeachment by the House Judiciary Committee. Surely cowardly incumbents would be capable of explaining this important distinction to the few hostile members of their constituency who continue to blindly support their King and Commander in Chief and his royal entourage...?

Every single patriotic American would support the impeachment inquiry stage by now (for multiple officials), if this process was clearly explained to them.

collapse Doofus (See profile | I'm a fan of Doofus)

Indeed, why can't 'They' do that?

They would be helping US out a lot.

Maybe they are reading this right
now, and will take the hint.

collapse wadenelson1 (See profile | I'm a fan of wadenelson1)


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