Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Operation Iraqi Liberation [O.I.L.]

Just in case you have not been watching the MSM closely these last few months, when America began trying to shove the 'Oil Law' down the throats of the Iraqi's, here is an update.

From DailyKos today:

Getting "Tough" on Maliki

Tue Jun 12, 2007 at 08:33:51 AM PDT

Adm. William J. Fallon, lead military commander for the Middle East, took Maliki to the woodshed Sunday in a closed door session that NYT report Michael Gordon was allowed to observe. The emerging story expels any doubt about the real the agenda of the Bush administration:

The top American military commander for the Middle East has warned Iraq’s prime minister in a closed-door conversation that the Iraqi government needs to make tangible political progress by next month to counter the growing tide of opposition to the war in Congress.

In a Sunday afternoon discussion that mixed gentle coaxing with a sober appraisal of politics in Baghdad and Washington, the commander, Adm. William J. Fallon, told Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki that the Iraqi government should aim to complete a law on the division of oil proceeds by next month.

That would be this oil law:

Both independent analysts and officials within Iraq's Oil Ministry anticipate that when all is said and done, the big winners in Iraq will be the Big Four -- the American firms Exxon Mobile and Chevron, the British BP Amoco and Royal Dutch Shell -- that dominate the world oil market. Ibrahim Mohammed, an industry consultant with close contacts in the Iraqi Oil Ministry, told the Associated Press that there's a universal belief among ministry staff that the major U.S. companies will win the lion's share of contracts. "The feeling is that the new government is going to be influenced by the United States," he said.

Note to BushCo: the American people, and the vast majority of members of Congress who are opposed to this war, are not using the oil law as an indication of progress in Iraq. Our measurement of success has more to do with body counts.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end KOS excerpt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This is the agenda. This has always been the agenda. Bushco does not care about the Iraqi people, their government, the region. None of it. Sign that damn OIL LAW, NOW.

We have been building bases not to protect the ever more displaced and distraught Iraqi people, no all along our troops have been babysitting, first a botched occupation, then the inevitable Civil War.

It does not take a grat leap of reason to see that this type of chaos is exactly the type of situation where the Iraqi's would feel they have no choice but to sign, or face a pull out. And make no mistake, that is the only reason Cheneyco would pull out.

Do not forget the original deignation for Op. Iraqi Freedom.
Operation Iraqi Liberation [O.I.L.]

Well, we gave then their freedom, freedom to give 70% of their oil to, not even the US, but to Big OIL.

And not a whisper to be detected from the Top Tier Dems.

Are you getting the picture now? The Plutocracy is operating, in the open, with the NYT covering and no one of political consequence blinks.

Goodnight America....

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