Friday, June 15, 2007

My most recent letter to my Congressman, Mike Thompson

Cong. Mike

Thank You for voting against the recent 'fund the war' measure.

However we need to go much farther. The War is only one horrendous symptom of the cancer that is the Bush Cheney [dis]Administration.

They must be stopped. I have come to the conclusion that all 1/2 measures are hopeless. Speaker Pelosi's fantasy about ignoring impeachment and 'doing the peoples business' is an abbrogation of the responsibility of Congress.

I am left with no recourse but to insist on impeachment or promise to work hard for the removal of every congressman who does not do so. has the details of my campaign.

I regret to have to use such crude political threats, but it is clear to everyone awake that nothing less than Democracy in America is at stake.

below is the signature I attach to all my emails and most of my internet posts.

Sick of this Administration? Sign every email you send: " Dear Congressman Impeach Bush and Cheney in 07, or be removed in 08." Friends the time for half-measures is way past over. Email your congressfolk everyday.

I urge you to get ahead of the curve here, be a leader! Whatever you may think about your fellow congressman Kucinich [and I am not voting for him in the primaries, it will be Gore, or if he does not run, Ron Paul - though I have never voted for a republican in my life] regardless, Kucinich's attempt to Impeach Cheney IS the first place to start.

Do you wish to wait till we bomb Iran with tactical nukes? Till more elections are seemingly stolen? The amanount of damage Bushco can [and will] do in 2 more years is unacceptable.

Please, I would rather supprt your campaign in 08 than ardently oppose it.

There is no greater 'business of the people' than removing our criminal-in-chief.

Also, get ahead of the curve and propose Impeaching Gonzales if the White House fights the subpeonas! They are running out the clock and laughing at you [and thus us!].

The argument that to impeach when there are not enough votes in the Senate is erroneous on 2 major points:

1- Your oath was to uphold the constitution and there was no 'if the senate has the votes to back us up clause'. You undoubtedly know this, no matter how unpopular it is.

2- The media/political energy it would generate [not too mention more crimes uncovered] might just tip the senate as the election gets closer and the Republicans are faced with massive looses on top of their already weakening position. They will throw Bush under the Bus if they have to. Right now they think they can get away with this. DO not enable them!

I hope you actually read this and respond in person. I would, along with others here, love to meet with you [I am friends with many other progressives and real conservatives in Lake Co.] and we would love to get together and hear any reasonable response or alternatives.


David Ryan

ps I am posting my letter to the various message boards I am apart of in addition to my blog. And will also post any real [not canned auto generated] response you may happen to send.


Sick of this Administration? Sign every email you send: " Dear Congressman Impeach Bush and Cheney in 07, or be removed in 08." Friends the time for half-measures is way past over. Email your congressfolk everyday.

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