Almost done with Taibbi's Bain/Romney article. It is truly a must read.
Vulture capitalism hardly does it justice. They/he didn't just feed off the weak and dying, they raped, looted and destroyed the lives of 10's of K's if not more of workers and their pensions and families, all so Bain and Romney could walk a way with 100's of millions of completely deceptive 'business advisement'.
The fact that he is not in prison for life and instead running for office of POTUS is a horrific indictment of our media, legal system and the pathetic Republican party for even letting him run, much less giving him the nomination.
Frankly I think he got it, because he was the wealthiest, least principled and best liar of the bunch. He is bush's polar opposite; wickedly savvy, a pious hypocrisy that even sr. demons probably take note of and a willingness to pull off any heist on sheer bluff and hubris and paper thin legal veneers.
God, really, no spare lightening bolts for this kinda thing?....sigh..guess He wants us to see things for ourselves and act like grown ups, not shell shocked children afraid to call their guardians out on pure evil and. Monsanto & Exxon-Mobil, watch out seems you have serious competition in the most evil, fiendish of all Babylon corporations race.
Taibbi is to be commended on trying to time the article to take the hot air out of any post-Convention updraft there may be. Not sure if the main stream media's editors will allow any coverage of this, but who knows, maybe it will get good coverage in Iceland and we will pick up on it a couple years later....
Look for our coverage of Obama's continuation of Bush's treasonous war on the American citizenry, clean gov't and the 'right' of federal law enforcement to disappear you, like any other terrorist.
Already invoked unsuccessfully [well partially - the intimidation factor was advanced, but an honest judge ordered him released after a week] against a Marine Vet in Richmond Va.
- the angry indy
: pulls no punches and tells no lies
[and if he is proved wrong, will actually cop to it].